Santa Fe - Philip Ross
Lizenznummer: 40103 - NM / Associate Broker um Santa Fe's Favorite House Hunter
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Details vonPhilip

Über Philip

One of the most successful real estate sales executives in Santa Fe, New Mexico, Philip Ross is fiercely protective of both his clients and his reputation. Whether representing a buyer or seller in a $200,000 or $2 million transaction, Philip makes sure every deal is the absolute best possible for his clients.

Born and raised in Texas, Philip was drawn to Santa Fe for its scenic beauty. As a long-time resident of a major city, “I have found Santa Fe to be the ideal mix of big-city culture and small-town manageability.”

Philip has worked in Santa Fe real estate since 2004 and is an expert in the market. He takes the time to truly understand each seller’s goals before developing their customized marketing plans to ensure the absolute best possible outcome. And by partnering with America’s most trusted brand, Keller Williams, he provides sellers with extensive local and global marketing opportunities for their properties.

With his buyer and investor clients, Philip’s extensive market knowledge and research helps clients determine the perfect property to purchase. In this competitive seller’s real estate environment, Philip’s strategic planning and skilled negotiation tactics provide clients with maximum opportunities for success. His success with sellers and buyers has helped to make him become Santa Fe’s Favorite House Hunter.

My Preferred Vendors
***Disclaimer*** This list is provided as a convenience for Keller Williams clients, prospective clients, and Realtors. It represents Vendors and Related Service providers who have performed well for our clients in the past. Keller Williams does NOT guarantee the work of any Vendor or Related Service provider, and we are not responsible for the present and future performance of these providers. For the work being considered, it is the customers’ responsibility to research and verify all necessary licenses, bonding, or liability insurance held by these providers. Any decision to enter into any contractual agreement with any provider shall be based solely on the customers’ independent investigation and evaluation.
My Preferred Vendors
I've worked with exceptional businesses and service providers. If you need information or recommendations for lenders, contractors, remodelers, and more, please don't hesitate to reach out.
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Philip Ross
Lizenznummer: 40103
Santa Fe's Favorite House Hunter

Handy, Mobiltelefon
Contact Me
Santa Fe
130 Lincoln Ave, Suite K Santa Fe, NM 87501

Philip Ross
Associate Broker 40103
Handy, Mobiltelefon
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